EU Parliament Votes on New AI Act, Adds Safeguards for Healthcare Applications
On Wednesday, the European Parliament gave final approval to a groundbreaking regulation on artificial intelligence (AI). The AI Act represents a milestone in the efforts of the EU to govern artificial intelligence systems with wide-ranging rules. Its aim: to boost innovation in AI to place the EU at the forefront of the global AI race while also protecting citizens across Europe from potential risks associated with the technology.
The regulation passed with 523 votes in favour, 46 against and 49 abstentions.
The Act places specific obligations on high-risk AI systems, including those used in healthcare. These systems, currently being developed at breakneck speed, must be rigorously assessed for safety and transparency before they are made available to the public. Citizens will have the right to understand how AI decisions are made and challenge them if necessary.
The EU has banned certain AI applications altogether, including systems that use facial recognition for mass surveillance or manipulate human behaviour. In addition, the AI Act includes transparency requirements to ensure AI is fair and unbiased.
This regulation is a significant step for the EU in shaping the responsible development and use of AI, with important implications for the healthcare sector.